Hello hello! This week was super awesome. Yep.
The Branch Presidency decided to send my fellow zone leader, Elder Nemelka, a week early to Korea so he could accompany Elder P. So he was super pumped about that, and both of them have now been in Korea for 4 days! I'm jealous. So Elder Grimshaw and I helped them to their bus at 2am monday morning which was pretty fun. And tiring. But I'm super happy for them.
Happy birthday to Dad today!!! You are so awesome. And happy anniversary to my lovely parents. They are definitely the bomb diggity.
Yesterday, the MTC had a special devotional. We got to stay up late to watch stadium of fire, so we all (the whole MTC) watched 17 Miracles from 8:30 to 10:00pm. That was pretty cool. And the fireworks were honestly pretty dumb, but mostly because I saw more trees than fireworks. Yesterday was the most homesick I've been here... Because all I want to do on 4th of July is make cool firework boxes with my little brother. But it's all good. Cause I heard they have sick fireworks in Korea, so next 4th of July the Koreans will get a little taste of 'Merica from yours truly. I've never actually shot a Roman Candle, so I'm pretty darn excited for that.
... Yeah. The days here are really really repetitive, so I feel like I have less and less to write. But that should be solved in a few weeks once I'm actually in Korea.
Funny fact. One of the Korean words for "Wow!" is 대박 (pronounced day-bak), which translates almost directly to "Great Melon!" I got a pretty big kick out of that. Great Melon! It sounds like something Batman or Robin would say in one of those old sweet movies. Great Melon, Batman! Hah.
I've thought a lot about the word "might" this week. There are so many scriptures that tell us to labor with all our heart, might, mind, and strength. D&C 4 being maybe the most prominent. Jacob 1:19 says (I'm paraphrasing); "If you don't labor with all diligence and might.... those peoples blood that would have been saved is on your garments." And I want some pretty spotless garments come judgement day. I want to come home and say "I worked HARD." That's my goal.
Elder Edwards
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