Friday, June 14, 2013

MTC life is settling in. And so is the food.

Life is still going great. I am having lots of fun and learning a lot! Our district is working really hard and we are learning this language SO SO fast. But it's crazy that there is still so much to learn. But the spirit is helping us along, and I'm sure we'll be speaking fluently in a couple days now! (Joke. Hopefully in about a year. Oh well.)
Ugh. The food is good here, but it's still straight up cafeteria food. So I'm ready for some quality kimchi. 7ish more weeks.
Every sunday for sacrament meeting, the branch president calls up two random people from the zone (all the Korean speakers... around 120 people) to come give a 5 minute talk. In Korean. Which is totally terrifying, especially for us who are a little bit less acquainted with the language. So we're supposed to prepare a talk for each Sunday. My last talk looked something like this: Baptism is important. Jesus was baptized. (Struggle through the bible about John the Baptist baptizing Jesus, in korean). I was baptized. I received the spirit. I was confirmed. Bear Testimony. That's basically the extent of my Korean on baptism. Luckily I didn't get called on, so that was really good.
We also teach an "investigator" almost every day in korean. Which is less scary, but still really hard. The lessons are incredibly simple because of our limited korean, but we are still able to get the message across and feel the spirit. Lots of mistakes. I tried to ask how his family was, but said something about whether the family unit existed or not. Oh well. It's coming. We're learning fast and working hard.

There is a concept at the MTC called SYL (speak your language). Basically, it just means speak as much of the language as you possibly can, all the time. The idea is, when you learn a word in Korean, replace that English word with the Korean word. So we sound really messed up when we talk. Sweet. It's really funny because the Korean word for "yes" is "Nay". And we've fallen into the habit of just saying Nay all the time instead of Yes, and Nay totally sounds like No. So there's a lot of miscommunication that goes on when we're asked if something is right by an english speaker and we answer Nay. Super funny.
40 missionaries from our zone are leaving for Korea at 3:00am Monday morning! Crazy to think that they've been here for 9 weeks. But that'll be me so soon.
Also. I've been released as district leader and called as zone leader. Very scary. But I'm up for the challenge!
Moses to God (Exodus 4:10-12): And Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say." The Lord is with us! We will go forth and preach the word!
Love Elder Edwards

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