Sunday, February 15, 2015

시간이 없다!!

(Translation courtesy of Google Translate: "There is no time!!")

Hello! I have zero time to email this week, so this one will be really short.

We meet Brother Lee this week, and he brought a friend! But, neither of them focused at all. And he didn't come to church... he punks an incredible amount of times, but we'll keep working with him and remembering that he's just a kid.

We met a kid on the street this week named brother Jung, set up an appointment for Saturday, and then met him on Saturday! That rarely happens... So it was really cool to have him come and meet us. He's been to a lot of churches and doesn't really like any of them. But after we met with him and explained about the church and the Book of Mormon and revelation through prayer, he said: "I think this is the church that I've been looking for.." It was so cool!!! That was one of the most spiritual lessons that Elder Weight and I have had together, and Brother Jung definitely felt that too. He came to church yesterday for all 3 hours (he thought he would only stay for an hour or two, but he ended up staying the whole time plus stayed for the meal with the ward afterward) and learned about the Plan of Salvation and built some awesome bonds with the members. We're super excited for him.

And... transfer calls came. I'm headed out to 춘천(Choon cheon) to train!! Choon cheon is in a province called GangwonDo, which is actually where Taebeck and Wonju are. So I'll be going back to the countryside. It won't be complete countryside, but it won't be city either. I'm a little disappointed to be leaving Dongdaemun, especially because we have a few investigators (Brother Lee, Brother Jung, etc.) who have a ton of potential, but I will go where I'm called. I will no longer be zone leader or even district leader, but just a regular trainer, training a new missionary in the ways of mission life and doing the work of salvation. I'm SO excited. I'll pick up my new companion on Wednesday!

I love you all!
Love, Elder Edwards

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