Monday, February 2, 2015


(Translation courtesy of Google Translate: "Gets warm!")

A good week! We started the week with some good old ultimate frisbee on P-day with our zone on our freezing church parking lot. It was super fun. Elder Weight and I also learned from another missionary in our house (Elder Mumford) of a sweet meal at the local Kimbab restaurant. It's a mixture of rice, bean sprouts, dried seaweed, and a soy sauce mixture. It's super delicious and only 3000won! (About 3 dollars). So we ate that almost every day for dinner this week. It was awesome.

One of Elder Bae and I! He goes home in 2 weeks.

On Wednesday and Thursday we did exchanges with the district leader and his companion in the Eemoon area! I got to go to Eemoon with the district leader. His name is Elder Fullthorpe, he's from Australia, he's 26, and super awesome. And SUPER smart. And really mature. I learned a lot from him and we had a really fun exchange. We talked about and learned a lot about charity during that exchange. Especially about learning to lose ourselves in the work and focus more on other people! Elder Weight and I have the privilege of going on exchanges with each of the district leaders (3) in our zone every transfer. One of us will go over to there house and sleep and eat and study and work with them and try to help build up moral, make sure obedience is happening, and lifting and encouraging the missionaries. The other one of us stays in Dongdaemoon with the district leader's companion and does the same with him. It's super fun and a great way to get up close and help the missionaries in our zone!

Elder Fullthorpe! We went on exchanges this week.

Elder Weight and I have been seeing tons of miracles for the last few weeks. People are wanting to meet, people are keeping commitments, people are meeting again, and we're getting way more teaching time than we had before! We're both also working and pushing ourselves even harder, party as thanks to Heavenly Father for the increased blessings. The blessings peaked this weekend when Brother Lee, our 13 year old investigator, committed to be baptized at the end of February! We may need to move the date back a little bit to make sure he has plenty of time to learn everything and come to church and understand all the basic principles, but he'll hopefully be baptized. He's a little bit of a punk... in the fact that he punks our appointments half the time, but he'll come through okay. We're super excited for him! I'll send you a picture of him when I take one. :)

My companion. He's so goofy.

I love the wording in Moroni 6:4~
  "And after they had been received unto baptism, and were wrought upon and cleansed by the power of the Holy Ghost, they were numbered among the people of the church of Christ; and their names were taken, that they might be remembered and nourished by the good word of God, to keep them in the right way, to keep them continually watchful unto prayer, relying alone upon the merits of Christ, who was the author and the finisher of their faith."

Why were the people's name taken? To keep them on the path. To help them stay in the faith of Christ. To help them endure to the end and prepare to live with God again. That's the part that all the members of the church are on, and that's the part that we have to help all the recent converts and any other members with! It is all part of our duty to befriend people, keep them watchful unto prayer, and keep them in the right way. What an awesome opportunity, responsibility, and privilege... to help God to help his children.

I love you all!
Love, Elder Edwards

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